DevElements Framework

NewCity created DevElements™ as a systematic way to plan and manage projects.

The DevElements™ Structure identifies, at a high level, all the elements a project needs to run smoothly, and illustrates how these elements interact.

There are six elements in the DevElements™ Structure:

Our Structure Improves Your Outcome

  • Developer

  • Property

  • Capital

  • Transformation Team

  • Value Realization Team

  • Project Strategy

DevElements™ Structure

The DevElements™ Framework is a map of the world of real estate development. It's a mental model, a way to visualize the complete process and organize everything needed for the transformation. Read More

The Elements of Development

Every transformation project needs all six elements working together to be successful.

The DevElements™ Framework

Phases of Development

The DevElements™ Framework provides a complete picture of the property transformation process. From left to right, it maps the phases of a development project.

Hierarchy of Roles

From top to bottom, the DevElements™ Framework has four levels that show the hierarchy of responsibility and decision-making for a project.

  • Project Leadership is at the top. This person (or company) is responsible for bringing a project together and has final authority and responsibility for its outcomes.

  • The next level is Strategic Management, where the project’s most impactful decisions are made, especially regarding vision, priorities, strategy, and team.

  • Operational Management is day-to-day oversight conducted to make sure that the key decisions and operational tasks of the project are completed on schedule, on budget, and in line with the Project Vision and goals.

  • Finally, there's the Operations level, where hands-on tasks are executed to move the project forward step-by-step.

The higher you look on the DevElements™ Framework, the more decision-making occurs. The lower you look, the more hands-on tasks are completed.

In most projects, one person can fill multiple roles and function at different levels. For example, one team member could lead the project, select and manage the operational team, and sell the finished units at the end.

The Complete Framework

With the phases and the hierarchy as its structure, the DevElements™ Framework organizes all the sub-elements of the real estate transformation process.